Cadence Framework: What Is It & How Can You Use It?

The majority of projects fail because of a lack of collaboration and commitment to action. People have the best intentions at the outset of your project but a lack of the right information at the right time, a lack of accountability and poor collaboration lead to your project falling short of its purpose.

Sound familiar?

CADENCE™️ is our system to create an immersive culture where effective action is woven into the day-to-day.

What is CADENCE™️ ?

Our research and our work with a multitude of organisations have led us to advocate for a system (a way of working, methods, routines, rituals and ways of thinking) that creates an immersive culture where effective action is woven into the day-to-day. It's what sets high performing organisations apart from the rest. It's the glue within a project enterprise that drives delivery at pace. 

Within the industry, there are many names for this system. Tiered Visual Performance Management (TVPM) is a popular name for this. Other names include Lean Management System, Daily Management System. The principles are similar to what you may find in agile methodology, a system of delivery and collaboration. 

We call it CADENCE™️ as we like to refer to the frequency of the learning and improvement this system brings. "Cadence" in sport, is often the best way to be faster whilst conserving your energy in order to be responsive when needed, a key attribute in today's fast-paced, complex and dynamic business world. 

Where CADENCE™️ differs from other systems is that it drives change through people and process. It's not a tool, more a way of being. CADENCE™️ goes beyond usual quick fix management tools to deliver long term cultural change beyond one off projects, raising performance for longer.

How can you use it in your construction or manufacturing business?

Without your people, you can’t achieve excellence.

It might seem obvious but without the consistent performance of our people we can’t deliver certainty and excellence. That’s why the delivery of projects must be people focused.

Delivering certainty and achieving excellence is only achieved through the performance of people. Therefore the way of delivery projects must be people focused. 

People Centric Project Delivery relies on people being connected to the business and the benefits the project is expected to deliver.  People need ways of working that foster collaboration, accountability and ownership.

Finally they need a way to cut through organisational interference to co-create effective actions together. The CADENCE™️ Framework pieces these together through Leadership, Systems/Ways of Working, with the People.

CADENCE™️ incorporates four key elements to deliver long term value:

  • Simplicity – Projects are complex, combining this with running a live operation makes this even more complex. The delivery model needs to simplify the complexity without losing value.

  • Focus - Simplicity removes ambiguity so everyone can Focus. The ways of working must amplify the focus and make it easy for all to be productive.

  • Commitment - Focus drives commitment. When people have genuine buy-in they are more likely to execute the desired actions.

  • Action - Actions are key, as doing the work right, on time, prevents further complexity and makes things flow.

Combined these fundamentals create traction, they become a flywheel delivering certainty of project outcomes. 

Raise performance for longer by going faster

Projects are an accumulation of many actions being performed. 

Delivering the right results requires effective action. Project Enterprises must make great decisions AND execute them well. We often see breakdowns at every stage of the process, hindering the ability of the enterprise to drive effective action to get the results they need. 

CADENCE™️ ensures that this process is followed. Working on the one truth of data with the right people at the right time. People with the right behaviours to make the right decisions. People committed to the actions.

When all of these fundamentals are in place, performance becomes a culture. One embedded in every part of our delivery process. 

People drive you forward faster.

Ready to discuss your organisation? Find out more about Lean Practice.


Collaborative Behaviours: How Can You Adopt Them?


Project Purpose: The Importance Of Knowing Where We Are Going