Behavioural Design

Making change easy to start. Making that change stick.

The brutal fact is around 70% of change efforts fail. Change is tough. Lagging measures of success like shareholder value may take years of the sustained change to indicate a successful transition in results.

However, if we focus on the process, doing what we can within our control, and measuring that success, the change can be more successful. You will stick to it, which will eventually lead to the overall results your organisations need.

The quicker you create change and make it stick, the better. Our goal is to form new ways of working into habits, so they become automatic, reducing the effort needed to adopt them.

We have designed our system and its implementation using proven methods from the worlds brightest thought leaders on behavioural change. Charles Duhigg, B J Fogg and James Clear.

The theory is simple. To make a behavioural change, you need motivation, ability and some prompt or trigger. (B J Fogg, B=MAP)

Motivation = We work with your teams to build a case for change. This shared narrative on change creates an internal commitment to make it.

Ability = Various factors enhance or inhibit our ability to make a change. We work with your teams to avoid the inhibitors and make it easy to embrace new ways of working by building on the right routines and actions you already do.

Prompt = We make it easy. We signpost what needs to be done and when. Its a team effort and the team will naturally hold each other to account.

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Ready to make a change