Less Waste

Lean is about delivering more value to your customer or stakeholders. Value could be a product or a service or even a purpose or a cause to get behind.

The premise of Lean is that you should focus your effort on producing that value, anything else is waste.

Effort could be your time, machines, materials, utilities you use or any other resource that gets consumed. Effort/Resources then should be directed only at the “value”

When we think about the context of doing good for people and planet, that context becomes the “Value” anything that doesn’t positively impact people or our planet becomes the waste.

We want to help more businesses and people make better decisions around where they place their effort, so they are using resources to make things better and not make a negative impact.

As a responsible business we want to share our insights to the masses, to make more of an impact. We believe that the more people who can start to think of value and where they place their effort, BETTER decisions will be made, and we make more of a positive impact FASTER.

So for 2022 we will set a new Environmental Goal we will:

  1. Increase the number of people using Lean to reduce their carbon footprint - We WILL share our Lean Insights via downloadable guides and bite-size social media posts so that people have the basic skills and mindsets to explore “waste” and take action to remove it. - By the end of the year our goal is for 1000 people to download the guides - approx 6 tonne carbon footprint per person per year , meeting this target will reduce carbon emissions by 600 tonnes. (10% reduction)


Systems Over To Do Lists


Creating A Social Impact